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Gain a Basic Knowledge on Term Life Insurance

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Term Life insurance is one of the most straightforward life insurance policies in the market. As the name suggest this insurance policy provides cover for your loved ones for a predetermined duration hence the phrase “term”. Term insurance is specific to the specified period that is, if you die within the term you win (so to speak). In the event that you outlive the term your family will not get any benefits from the insurance. There are some few basic considerations that one should always look into while opting for Term Life Insurance.

Term insurance is simplistic as you can easily choose to opt for the 10 or 20 year policy. Some policies have the option of prolonging the term even beyond the age of 70 years. Premiums can be fixed amounts over a fixed for a number of years or you can opt for an annually renewable term. Annually renewable term allows you to increase premiums paid on an annual basis. With term insurance policies you are availed with existing payment schedule and annual maximum rate. For term insurance, the company reserves the right to increase premiums if insurance risks increase.

Your state of health is an important factor of consideration while considering premiums. At certain ages the insurer may require proof of good health before you can be insured and maintain the lower premiums associated with term life insurance.

Term insurance provides short term financial security for your family. For example if you have a daughter who is due for college in 7 years and requires $100,000 to ensure completion of her college education. To safeguard her education you can decide to take term insurance for 10 years that has $100,000 benefits in the event of death. If you pass on during this term you can rest assured that your daughter will have college education even after your demise.

Term life insurance offers a lot in terms of lower and flexible premiums, clear cut policies and upgrade permanent life insurance without proof of good health. Ultimately term insurance is a short term financial security measure. Choosing a policy may not be easy but can be simplified by outlining you insurance needs in terms of time and their use. If they are short term, term life insurance would be your best choice if not you can opt for permanent or a combination of term and permanent policy.


November 5th, 2014

A Highlight on Term Life Insurance You Need To Be Aware of

Are you looking to buy life insurance coverage but do not have enough money to do so? Do you want to get maximum coverage at affordable price? Or you are searching for life coverage that can cover specific financial responsibilities such as your Children College or mortgage? If your answer to these questions is yes, then what you simply need is to purchase term life insurance. Really, unlike the permanent life insurance that is expensive and usually lasts throughout the lifetime of the insurer, the term life insurance is made to expire within a specific period of time. Also, it is cheaper and more affordable when compared with the whole life insurance.

October 9th, 2014

Facts about Term Life Insurance You Need To Know

Are you searching for the best insurance coverage? Do you want to leverage insurance policy but confused about the right one to leverage? Have you heard of term life coverage but do not know what you will stand to gain? If these are your worries and questions, then you have come to the right place as this article is about to intimate you on some facts about term insurance coverage you need to know. The term life insurance is a policy made with stipulated period for its coverage and expiration. If this type of insurance expires the policy holder will decide whether to renew it and continue enjoying the coverage or to stop it.

September 4th, 2014

What makes term life insurance so popular?

Term life insurance is very popular since it provides good coverage to your family or people dependent on you in case of your premature death. They are also relatively cheap and can be customized to suit all your needs, and also can contain additional clauses to provide extra coverage for your family members. The main goal is to provide financial security in case of your premature death.

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